A Culture of Being Person Centered

We are excited to announce a new partnership between Down Home Ranch and Better Lives, with financial support from Money Follows the Person, coordinated through Integral Care. This collaboration will launch an innovative training initiative to certify two Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) as trainers in Person Centered Thinking (PCT), guided by mentor trainer Jeff Garrison-Tate,…

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The Heart of the Ranch

By Arria Minor, Development Associate There’s something so uniquely human about falling in love.  The world feels like a tantalizing whirlwind of excitement and uncertainty; as if the feelings of euphoria could carry your heart, with ease and lightness, to a place of pure bliss.  It’s something that every human –regardless of ability, race, sex…

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Volunteer View: Genie Sorensen

Genie and her sister Margaret at Morgan’s Wonderland in San Antonio, TX What motivated you to volunteer with Down Home Ranch? I was lucky enough to have a great sister, Margaret, who had Down syndrome, and we found Ranch Camp in the summer of 2006. She loved coming to Ranch Camp, and it was often…

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Fish On

At Down Home Ranch fishing should be called “GOIN’ CATCHING”. The bass and little school of blue gills aren’t very good at ignoring any piece of bait that is dunked in the water. The number of fish that have been caught, kissed, petted and returned to the water is untold.   Yes, I said kissed.   It’s…

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