Special Olympics runs year round, but participation by DHR tends to be at its highest during the fall and spring seasons. The DHR delegation is open to all, regardless of participation in other programs through Down Home Ranch.
In late August and early September, we gear up for the early fall sports: bocce, golf and aquatics, practicing afternoons and evenings for upcoming scrimmages, local and regional events. In October, it's back to bowling, which the majority of DHR athletes participate in. During golf each year, several athletes compete in 9-hole alternate play, each with a Unified (non-Special Olympics athlete) golf partner. There have also been special kayaking events held in the summer.
For more information on upcoming Special Olympics events, check out the Area 13 SOTX webpage. If you are interested in joining the DHR Special Olympics Delegation, please contact Casey Dickerson at casey@downhomeranch.org.