Take a break and have your loved one visit a real Texas Ranch for a few days!
Our respite services provide short term assistance to caregivers by providing staff oversight and supervision with daily living tasks.
Respite can be from 2 to 14 days in length and options are based on availability.
Residential Respite
- Group Living
- 1 current respite options
- group living setting with 2 other Ranchers and trained staff
- Supported Independent Living
- no current respite option in a one bedroom tiny home
- small independent living setting, in the Village with staff just a phone call away
Sign up to take part in respite
- Complete the respite inquiry form at the bottom of this page.
- Email us with questions program@downhomeranch.org or call (512) 856-0128
- Download an application and mail in yours today!
- Due to state regulations, respite participants must be fully vaccinated.

If it’s the first time to the Ranch, we like to set up a trial visit to determine needs and better understand the level of support and oversight that is required during future respite stays. Here is what to expect:
- Contact – Email or phone contact will be made to let you know if respite is available.
- Tour – We will set up a time for yourself or loved one to come out to see the Ranch and meet the Ranchers.
- Paperwork – If the Ranch seems to be a good fit, we will give you an application along with a few other documents that will need to be completed.
- Trial – After completing the tour and paperwork, a 3 to 5 day trial is recommended. The trial is typically schedule Monday through Friday but can be flexible if there is availability.
- Enrollment – Based on the trial, we will notify yourself or your loved one of acceptance for future respite opportunities.
Respite Camps
We currently offer weekend respite camps on the Ranch. Click here to learn more about upcoming weekend respite camps.
How to Pay for Respite
We accept:
- Private Pay
- Contracted rates through Texas IDD waivers including Home and Community Based Services (HCS), Texas Home Living (TxHmL), Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) and other programs that offer respite in their service array
- Contract General Revenue (GR) rates from the Local Intellectual Development Disability Authorities (LIDDA), such as Bluebonnet Trails Community Services and Integral Care
- Private Pay at the daily rate is $160.00, which includes meals, day programing and/or weekend activities
- Waivers that have respite funds, the contracted rates range from $135.00 – $160.00 per day (more than 10 hours in a midnight-to-midnight 24 hour period) and day programming is billed as a separate service at $25.00-$35.00 per day
- HCS Host Home Companion Care daily rate is accepted based on level of need
- Download and print a one page quick look summary about Respite to share with others.
- Respite FAQs.
- If you have specific questions not answered, email program@downhomeranch.org or call (512) 856-0128.