The individual will need to bring spending cash with them during their respite stay. Typically $20.00 – $50.00 is enough to cover any entry fees and shopping trips. If additional money is needed, a phone call will be made to the responsible party to confirm a dollar amount that can be disbursed to the individual.…
What happens during the weekend?
Each week there are activities planned for the weekend that can include baseball games, Special Olympic events, shopping trips, etc. If respite occurs over the weekend the individual will select activities that are of interest to him/her.
What happens during the weekday?
The first day on the Ranch, the individual will choose what courses, clubs and skills training they want to participate in during their stay; there are a lot of options to choose from. Check out the Day Program site and recent newsletters to learn more about our programming.
How are meals taken care of during respite?
When staying in the group home or the independent setting, breakfast and dinner are included at no cost. These meals are balanced and approved by a dietician in most instances. While attending Day Program a hot lunch is served at no cost Monday – Thursday. Lunch on Friday is typically a packed lunch or item…