Jay, Kristen, Kelly, Sterling, Kyle, Jason, Tom (seated), Ashley, Nick, Travis, and Tom were among the guests at Ashley’s Breakfast Club Farewell Breakfast today I call her the Redhead. I’ve called her that for 14 years, ever since she showed up to volunteer at Ranch Camp at 13 as a mop-headed Little Orphan Annie look-alike. She…
Of grace, nature, and friendship
Mother’s Day, 2012 The Mass readings and Fr. Larry’s homily put me in a pensive mood today. The gospel was about Jesus’ telling the disciples that they were his friends. No longer slaves. Big promotion. Friends. And the job description that does with it: “This is my commandment, love one another as I love you. …
Day at large
Sunday last we returned from Kansas. We’d planned the trip because there was a sustainability conference in Iowa Jerry wanted to attend and a red-headed six-month old great-grandson I was desperate to get my hands on in Kansas. Our greatest hopes for the trip were fulfilled–I got lots of baby Adam and other family time,…
Tom O!
Tom is RA of Isaiah House Tom O! is short for Tom Oliver, who has been the Resident Assistant for Isaiah House since taking over December 1. There are a few other Toms around the Ranch, so it we had to add the “O” to clarify matters. The exclamation point? Well, that just has to be…