In the beginning…

Dr. Jerome Lejuene, discoverer of cause of Down syndrome I discovered I was pregnant with my fourth child very early in February of 1984.  I was 42 and certainly not expecting to be expecting, but Jerry and I rolled with the punches and were soon changing our life course and making new plans. Those plans…

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Life Its Own Self

Once many years ago, when Kelly was a toddler, I was in conversation with a man from San Antonio, which has nothing to do with anything except that’s the only thing I remember about him, aside from what I here relate. When he learned my daughter had Down syndrome, he spoke of a family friend…

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Going to Hell in a Wheelbarrow

“The world is going to hell in a wheelbarrow, and this is not going to do retarded people any good.” Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger, Mental Retardation, February 1994. I was skimming the current (April 2010) issue of Intellectual and Development al Disabilities: A Journal of Policy, Practices, and Perspectives, the official publication of the American Association on…

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Hector and Ashley

A surprising joy of becoming the parents of a child with Down syndrome is meeting so many families you wouldn’t otherwise get to know. With them you share joys and sorrows about which most of the world is happily unaware. You are on a journey together, and you learn to rely on and trust one…

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