Finding our way

As I have broadcast to anyone who would listen, I took on the food service for the Ranch a few weeks ago and have been working HEROICALLY (according to me) to get things in order, organized, and working as they should. This involves interactions with…the Foodies! AKA the kitchen work team of Ranchers whose job…

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Slowing down a bit

 Michael cleaning a bridle  Ranch Camp ended a week ago last Sunday, and the Ranch went from high speed to August speed, which is considerably calmer. True, we had the National Down Syndrome Congress annual convention to go to, but that only involved about half of us, and this week we’ve geared way…

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Goodbye (for now) to Ranch Camp

Today is the last day of Ranch Camp. Fifty-six teenage campers are packing to go home, most of them worn out from a full week of swimming, kayaking, helping in the barn and gardens, blistering heat, and what might well be the very best “End-of-Camp Dance” party ever last night. Even more worn out are Marci (Camp…

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Snakes in the Chicken Hilton!

Mr. Pat shows Michael the proper way to hold a snake I missed it this morning, but there was quite a ruckus.  A snake was discovered in the Chicken Hilton when Lori and the team showed up.  Said snake was, ironically, snuggled up right against the cannister of snake repellent. It was a medium-size snake…

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