The Wrangler

Austin nudges Travis at feeding time January 15 2010 It’s a cold, rainy winter day. The buzzards are perched on the electric line towers with their giant wings spread open, adding a mournful aspect to an already dreary scene. Last week we dealt with lows in the teens and below for several straight days running.…

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Cold & Common Sense

Michael braves the chill! Common Sense January 7, 2009 The wind is howling, and the thermometer is dropping. The coldest temperature in ten years is predicted for tonight, so today will be spent getting ready. Every spigot, every potentially exposed pipe, a multitude of plants, and a Noah’s ark of animals must be protected. And…

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The Packing List

January 1, 2010 The Packing List Here at Down Home  Ranch, the Ranchers are filtering back from time spent over the holidays with their families. Not all left, but most did. We’re all feeling a bit bloated from an excess of holiday feasting, and a bit off kilter from too much time spent out of our…

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