Once upon a time….

Stephen Covey says everything that comes to be is created twice–first in the imagination and then in the material world. So at Staff Meeting yesterday morning Jerry showed everyone a little pamphlet he and I made up and sent out way back in 1989.  In it we described the Ranch, years before it would be built, but already real…

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The travellers have returned. Kelly and Sterling headed off with Casey to fly to Kansas last Thursday, a trip they’ve made many times before but always on a direct flight. Now there are no direct flights between KC and Austin, and even though the plane change was just at Love Field, we were nervous about their negotiating…

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Life Its Own Self

Once many years ago, when Kelly was a toddler, I was in conversation with a man from San Antonio, which has nothing to do with anything except that’s the only thing I remember about him, aside from what I here relate. When he learned my daughter had Down syndrome, he spoke of a family friend…

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