Valentine Day

Kelly and Sterling on Valentine’s Day About a month ago Jerry told me he’d ordered tickets to the Valentine’s Day Willie Nelson concert at the new Austin City Limits in the new W Hotel in downtown Austin. Jerry knows I’m not a great fan of such, but even I agreed we’d best go see Willie…

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Mess to Messiah

The Annunciation by Fra Angelico Yesterday the gospel reading centered upon Joseph’s dilemma, to wit: he had found that his young betrothed was with child, and in this confusing mess there was only one thing of which he could be certain, and that was that he’s had nothing at all to do with it. Scripture…

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Death Comes for Grandpa

I received an email a few days ago from the mom of one of our Ranchers. She wanted us to know that her son’s grandfather had unexpectedly died the night before.  She needed help putting together a plan so that her son would have support close at hand when she broke the news to him that night. We’ve…

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Coram Deo

During staff meeting Friday Jerry said we’d cut it short because of a multitude of volunteers expected to arrive at any minute.He asked Mr. Pat to tell the rest of the staff about the 85 or so fifth-graders we expected from Regent School of Austin.  To my surprise, Pat lit up like a Christmas tree.…

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