Oh, California!

Kelly, Alaina and I are back at the Ranch, tuckered out from the great California adventure. Alaina and Kelly at entrance to Disneyland We spent Wednesday at Disneyland, which is just a few miles from my cousin’s lair in Laguna Woods.  Cousin Melanie served as tour guide and inside dopester for the day.  Once there, we…

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On the Road Again

In the “uncomfortable” days following my surgery in early March, I wrote my counsin Pat in California: “I’m in ‘get me outta here mode!’”  I sure needed something to look forward to. “Come on out,” she replied, so Jerry kindly booked flights for me, Kelly, and Kelly’s buddy Alaina to visit “the cousins” in California. …

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Getting over it and on with it

C.S. Lewis observed that most people referred to as “saints” on earth probably have excellent digestive systems.  It’s easier to act saintly when you feel well. Alas, Jerry demoted me from sainthood on the fourth day following my surgery. It’s amazing how distracting physical disability can be.  I thought I’d read and write great things during convalescence, but I…

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5 Piggies, 3 Cowboys, and 1 Executive Director

Five little pigs looking for food or adventure  Most new moms will tell you about a strange phenomenon, which is that when the baby finally goes to sleep long enough for you to grab a bite to eat, he or she will stay asleep right up until the time you are ready to take…

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