Someday I will write a job description covering every single item Jerry and I have had to develop some level of competence in while building Down Home Ranch, starting with trenching a sewer line (thank you yet again, St. David’s!) right on up through achieving licensure as an ICF-MR facility. (All in all, just between…
Must Be Neat, Needn’t Be Pretty
One of the most frustrating aspects of running Down Home Ranch is trying to find good people to live in the houses with our Ranchers. I’m not saying the job is easy. Jerry and I did it for 41/2 years, and we know. Admittedly, it’s a challenge, but what important job isn’t? The years in Gabriel House…
The Little Church That Could
Got a letter from David Hoster, rector of St. George’s Episcopal Church in Austin, announcing his retirement in May after 20 years of serving “the little church that could.” David’s been at St. George’s just a little longer than Jerry and I have been building Down Home Ranch, and that’s no coincidence, because St. George’s birthed the…
The Gala is coming! On April 10 the Quebe Sisters Band will entertain at our annual big fundraiser, and the Ranchers are making sure they’ll be able to do that good old Texas swing. We’ve been having Tuesday night practice sessions with Denise and Don leading the way. I missed the first one, but was…