Coming Home

Jerry and I went on a cruise in mid-November.  We had a good time, but were stunned and heartbroken by the news of our colleague Jim’s death.  I knew this would hit the Ranchers like a ton of bricks and longed to be with them at such a sad time.  However, Phil assured me I could…

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The Dude, Bambi, and Things You Might Not Know About

Travis and Kyle walk the Dude back to the barn The Dude continues to do well.  On Monday he was standing up when I came into the barn and voluntarily nursed from the bottle for the first time.  Once he figured that out he began to gain strength quickly and Tuesday took a walk with me…

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Knockin’ ‘Em Down

What a week!  Sunday: board meeting from 1:00-6:00 PM. Monday:getting in the hay and the blessing of the animals on  St. Francis’ Day. Then Tuesday was the great semi-annual Staff-Rancher bowling tournament.  What a hoot!  The trash talk had gotten pretty bad over the previous week, and we were each determined to do our best for…

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Of the Making of Hay

Community gathering in the hay crop  Last week the hay crew came and cut our hay.  We were glad because we’d been trying to get it cut for weeks, but we’re such small potatoes nobody is really enthusiastic about bringing out all that big equipment to work on our measly 20 acres. But fortune smiled, the…

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