Okay, the party’s over, and it was a grand success.Were there glitches? Oh, yes. However, they were not ones that were apparent to the assembled crowd, which overfilled the Parish Hall at St. William, and that’s a mercy. Within the hall itself magic happened. The food from Southside was wonderful, as always. The sound system…
Clueless in Central Texas
Someday I will write a job description covering every single item Jerry and I have had to develop some level of competence in while building Down Home Ranch, starting with trenching a sewer line (thank you yet again, St. David’s!) right on up through achieving licensure as an ICF-MR facility. (All in all, just between…
A Growing Concern
It being a beautiful day, I headed up toward the office on my bicycle to polish off a little work before the evening’s festivities began with the Cattlemen for Cancer Gala Benefit tonight. I peered through the trees and saw folks gathered around the retaining wall of Barnabas House. Curious as to what they were up…
Must Be Neat, Needn’t Be Pretty
One of the most frustrating aspects of running Down Home Ranch is trying to find good people to live in the houses with our Ranchers. I’m not saying the job is easy. Jerry and I did it for 41/2 years, and we know. Admittedly, it’s a challenge, but what important job isn’t? The years in Gabriel House…