From the High Seas

Well, we made it onto the ship Ecstasy.  The trip here was smooth and uneventful, which is the way we like it.  Getting through all the embarkation stations at the pier however was something else. Casey the wonder case manager, however, saved the day.  She’d made a binder to hold everyone’s paperwork and passports that now…

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I’m Too Old For This!

Good grief!  Casey, Denise, and I have spent all day getting ready for the cruise.  We leave tomorrow. The Ranchers are zinging off the walls.  Their bags are packed (yes, we used a list). Medical records are stashed, passports checked and double-checked, snacks bought for the trip to Galveston, the vehicles cleaned and gassed and…

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Ranch Story by Mark

Note: Mark has been coming to Ranch Camp since his early teens, and has lived at the Ranch since 2005.  He brought me this story to share with others.  It’s presented exactly as he wrote it with some parenthetical assists from me for clarity. Before I knew this place in my life it was beautiful…

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Hector and Ashley

A surprising joy of becoming the parents of a child with Down syndrome is meeting so many families you wouldn’t otherwise get to know. With them you share joys and sorrows about which most of the world is happily unaware. You are on a journey together, and you learn to rely on and trust one…

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