Valentine Volunteers

It’s Saturday, and three young boys stand outside my office window in the dank morning chill debating the best way to transport cedar fence posts to where their dads are digging holes to construct a decorative fence for our new miniature horses. Our Oklahoma valentines from Sunnybrook Christian Church in Stillwater are back! They almost…

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Back to Real Life

We’re back from our cruise on the Carnival Ecstasy to Cozumel and back! Had a great time, but now are having to get used to making our own beds, cooking our own food, and running our own karaoke machine again. Bummer! Everyone, staff or Rancher, has a special memory of this year’s trip—Kyle dedicating a song…

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Praise and Joy (I think)

Carnival relies on volunteer clergy to hold Sunday services, and none were forthcoming for our cruise, so we decided to have a little service on our own. The group services lady was most accommodating and set us up for Sunday morning at 10:00 in the Neon Bar.  It has a piano to accompany our songs.…

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Day on the Beach

Well, we all survived our first day at sea, and none of the residents got seasick, though a few staff members did.  Woke up this morning with the ship docking at Cozumel, and off we went for our day on the beach. Weather perfect: mid 80s, clear skies, gentle breeze. We arrived at the beautiful…

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