The Little Church That Could II

Sunday Kelly, Sterling, Jerry and I went to Fr. David Hoster’s last sermon at St. George’s Episcopal in Austin. There was a reception afterwards, and we hoped to see lots of friends from the old days. We were not disappointed. There were beloved faces not seen for years, and a slide show of the fall…

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Still Life

Waiting for the carpet cleaners to arrive, I was shuffling through boxes of photos and albums in our home office in Benedict House. Naturally, I got distracted and soon was flipping through mementos of our former lives. Dang! We were a pretty darned good-looking pair back in the day, despite eyeglasses the size of pie pans and…

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Wild Times at the Ranch

I went over to Teresa House the other day to fetch Abi home. Abi the maltipoo (named after Austin Bergstrom International, where Denise found her shivering in the rain two years ago) stays there most days with Miss Sandy for “doggy day-care.” (Sandy adores Abi and takes her to town at least once a day…

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Time to Call it a Day

Okay, the party’s over, and it was a grand success.Were there glitches? Oh, yes. However, they were not ones that were apparent to the assembled crowd, which overfilled the Parish Hall at St. William, and that’s a mercy. Within the hall itself magic happened. The food from Southside was wonderful, as always. The sound system…

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