Planes, Trains, Buses, Shuttles, Monorails But No Automobiles

We did it.  Thanks to grants from the Lower Colorado River Authority, parents, and a First Baptist Church of Woodworth, Woodworth, LA, we were able to travel to Walt Disney World for the National Down Syndrome Congress annual meeting and convention, taking 11 residents with Down syndrome to attend the simultaneous Youth and Adults with DS…

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Praise on the Porch

Thursday evening we heard music coming from across the Village in the direction of Barnabas House, so we drove down to see what was going on.   Rebekah was in the front yard with her prayer flags, and Charles and a gaggle of Ranchers with guitars were holding forth on the front porch.  Diana was…

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Sara’s Garden: A Father’s Love

A new Program Director came in a few months ago, name of Phil.  Walking around the Ranch, Phil discovered an out-of-the-way garden, neglected and umkempt, much like the garden in the well known book The Secret Garden. He asked me about it and I told him, shamefaced, the story of Sara’s Garden–that it’s a memorial…

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The Road to the Ranch Part II

When I last wrote about how the Ranch got started (June 13), I left off the story with the discovery of a positive pregnancy test taken in February of 1984, when I was 41.  The three older girls were 24, 20, and 16. I called Jerry at work, not sure at all what I’d say when…

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