New Life at the Ranch!

New life at the Ranch! Oh boy my mother hen complex came in handy today! Got the call about 11:00 that our chicks had arrived at the Elgin post office and they were–ahem–ready to have them picked up. I snagged Matt out of Ranch Camp with Denise’s blessing.  Matt’s our main Chicken Wrangler and has…

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Taming the wild mustang…grapes, that is

Wolf Meadow John Stewart, of Kingston Trio fame, wrote a song entitled “July, You’re a Woman” that evokes the essence of the month of July, when the trees and shrubs are leafed out and full, the heat has settled in for the duration, and the cicadas and locusts sing night and day.  This summer we…

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En-Courage-ment and the National Down Syndrome Congress

With my recent postings on our trip to Florida with 11 residents to the National Down Syndrome Congress, some may be wondering about our enthusiasm for future conventions.  I can only reiterate that Disney World is a great place to vacation, but far from an ideal place to have a convention.  Last word on the…

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More Planes, Trains, etc. Installment Two

Coronado Springs Resort Hotel Saturday dawned with all of us confronting basic life support while marooned on the Aruba Resort at Disney World.  We needed to all be awake, showered, dressed, at the conference center at Coronado Springs Resort and fed by 8:15 AM, a challenge for any group of 17 people. We presented ourselves…

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