Swim Fest–The thrill! The suspense!

Every year it’s the same story.  The BIG family pulls out all the stops!  There must be 732 people in the immediate family alone. They are an organized and determined bunch.  I’ll give them that. Oh, they pretend to be nice.  They donate to all the houses under the pretext of being “fair,” but we all…

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I Don’t Postpone

Margret A few weeks ago I was sitting in my office in the barn and the phone rang. “Hello, Judy. This is Margret Hofmann. I’m 85 now and I don’t postpone things. So. When am I going to see you?” We settled on a date. I told Margret I’d pick her up and bring her…

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Once upon a time….

Stephen Covey says everything that comes to be is created twice–first in the imagination and then in the material world. So at Staff Meeting yesterday morning Jerry showed everyone a little pamphlet he and I made up and sent out way back in 1989.  In it we described the Ranch, years before it would be built, but already real…

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Those Wedding Bells

A friend reminded me recently that I’d promised to blog about the workshop Jerry and I went to at the National Down Syndrome Congress meetings in Orlando. That was the “marriage” workshop run by two sets of parents–the bride’s and the groom’s to be specific–with a great amount of expertise and experience.  Their children were married…

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