“Don’t Let the Dream Die”

Mr. Lobo at haying time I often say that the greatest thing about Down Home Ranch is to have witnessed so many people bringing the best of who they are and what they have to share with us and our Ranchers. One such person is Enrique Lobo Guerrero. Most people call him “Lobo,” which, as…

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Epiphany 2010

I wasn’t ready for Epiphany to come so soon!  Usually we have ten to 12 days to bask in the light of the Christmas tree, but today in church we celebrated Epiphany. Fr. Larry talked about how pervasive the images of Epiphany are in our culture–the Kings, the camels, the star, the Holy Family, the King…

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Of Grace, Gifts, and Gratitude

Grace Christmas was wonderful.  All the kids and all the grandkids except Caitlin, who could not get away from work and studies to travel to Texas, were here.  We had an early holiday with the Welches, who needed to be back in Kansas for the actual day, and then the two Austin families came out…

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Dear Friends, It’s late on Christmas Day at Down Home Ranch.  Everyone is gone except Kelly, Jerry, and me, something that has not happened in a decade or more. Our family has come and gone.  I played old videos of Kelly and the grandkids during Christmases past, and we howled with laughter.  How amazing to…

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