Someplace Warm Like Texas!

Teresa House early this morning Jerry keeps threatening to move “someplace warm, like Texas!”  We’re having a snow day here at the Ranch, after three days of highs under freezing (including two in the 20s for heaven’s sake!) Mike on his way to the Pavilion The Ranchers love it, of course, as long as it’s…

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Day 2: A Day at Sea

Well, we got settled into our cabins.  This year the luggage arrived quickly at our cabins, so we did not have to spend arrival day explaining where it was.  The Ranchers do not like to be separated from their possessions! Unfortunately, I was not assigned seating with our main group, who were far away in…

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Cruise to Cozumel Day 1

Brent & Michael at the cruise terminal in Galveston Yesterday we boarded the Carnival Ecstasy for our annual cruise to Cozumel.  The Ranchers have been suffering mightily all week for the day to arrive, and left the Ranch in the bus, and on time, ready for the four-hour trip to Galveston. I rode with Genie,…

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Hot Guts and Warm Hearts

Saturday was a very special day for Down Home Ranch.  We were awarded the Agriculturalist of the Year at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner at the Lost Pines Resort.  The Ranch has won a lot of honors and had a lot of good publicity over the years, but this is the one that means…

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