Of kittens, buzzards, bees and flowers

Our Carolina jasmine bush Tomorrow is March, and although I know very well that in Texas March can do anything to you that February can, Mother Nature seems to have graced us with spring.  Every sign is here. This morning when Jerry left the house just as the sun was coming up, he went a…

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Sock Hop!

Melanie paints a drag strip Okay, I about threw my back out showing the Ranchers how to do the Bunny Hop.  But I was the only person present who actually went to high school in the 50s and knew how to do it! It’s time for a grand celebration of the first anniversary of the Down…

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5 Piggies, 3 Cowboys, and 1 Executive Director

Five little pigs looking for food or adventure  Most new moms will tell you about a strange phenomenon, which is that when the baby finally goes to sleep long enough for you to grab a bite to eat, he or she will stay asleep right up until the time you are ready to take…

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Valentine Day

Kelly and Sterling on Valentine’s Day About a month ago Jerry told me he’d ordered tickets to the Valentine’s Day Willie Nelson concert at the new Austin City Limits in the new W Hotel in downtown Austin. Jerry knows I’m not a great fan of such, but even I agreed we’d best go see Willie…

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