On the Road Again

In the “uncomfortable” days following my surgery in early March, I wrote my counsin Pat in California: “I’m in ‘get me outta here mode!’”  I sure needed something to look forward to. “Come on out,” she replied, so Jerry kindly booked flights for me, Kelly, and Kelly’s buddy Alaina to visit “the cousins” in California. …

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Getting over it and on with it

C.S. Lewis observed that most people referred to as “saints” on earth probably have excellent digestive systems.  It’s easier to act saintly when you feel well. Alas, Jerry demoted me from sainthood on the fourth day following my surgery. It’s amazing how distracting physical disability can be.  I thought I’d read and write great things during convalescence, but I…

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Any excuse for a party

Our esteemed Executive Director & Kyle hogging all the attention Kelly called it a “drive-by pigging.” The fun all started the day before the First Annual April Fool’s Day Pig Party at Down Home Ranch when Jerry discovered the pig noses in the party decoration box I’d just received.   Quickly donning a pig nose, he headed…

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I’m back…sort of

Waiting for Life as We Know It to Return I used to have a life, but it was rudely interrupted to have a hysterectomy, instead.  Too long delayed, I finally faced reality and scheduled it.  I dutifully updated all my “what-if” paperwork–medical power of attorney, funeral preferences, letter of intent, medical directives (check out http://www.ncbcenter.org/NetCommunity//)…

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