New guys on the Ranch

Clyde, back row second from right, and Tom, front row right I stopped by the Pavilion to check on “the new guys,” who aren’t new yet but are doing their trial week. Trial week is a chance for prospective residents and the Ranch to find out if we’re a match for each other.  Most have come to…

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The Not-So-Lazy River

Central Texas’ First Special Olympics Kayaking Team Casey Dickerson is Down Home Ranch’s Case Manager.  Casey first came to the Ranch during Ranch Camp several years ago while a student at A and M, spent a while working weekends, and slid right into full-time employment after graduation. Her 40-hour week consists of keeping track of the…

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Oh, California!

Kelly, Alaina and I are back at the Ranch, tuckered out from the great California adventure. Alaina and Kelly at entrance to Disneyland We spent Wednesday at Disneyland, which is just a few miles from my cousin’s lair in Laguna Woods.  Cousin Melanie served as tour guide and inside dopester for the day.  Once there, we…

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Cattle Round-Up

Three cowboys We’ve said for years that we simply want Down Home Ranch to be a working farm and ranch, with the Ranchers helping us run our various and sundry operations. Monday April 25 was a special day for us in our progress towards that goal, and some of our cowboys were ready to start a…

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