Snakes in the Chicken Hilton!

Mr. Pat shows Michael the proper way to hold a snake I missed it this morning, but there was quite a ruckus.  A snake was discovered in the Chicken Hilton when Lori and the team showed up.  Said snake was, ironically, snuggled up right against the cannister of snake repellent. It was a medium-size snake…

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Witnesses to their lives

 Kelly, age seven, with wild plums  Jerry told me last night that he’d talked with a grandmother who’d gotten in touch with the Ranch wanting to donate several hundred dollars from sales of the book she wrote about her young grandson.  Of course we were delighted, and want to see that book, too. I woke…

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Happy birthday to me from Mike

I suspect that when the kids go back to school in September each year, the folks go back to something else.  That must explain why there are so many May birthdays! It’s true in my family (eight out of 15 of us) and also on the Ranch.  Seems every other day we’re celebrating either a staff…

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Improv at the Ranch, wanted or not

Sterling tries to make Kyle laugh I told Marci, who has bravely agreed to take on the 17th summer of Ranch Camp this year, that I wanted to start spending chorus time on coming up with games, songs and activities that we could try out to use during camp on the Ranchers–you know, see what…

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