
The other day as I carried a container of slops from Benedict House toward the pig pen I passed by Lori next to the Chicken Hilton and stopped to say hi. Lori glanced at my offering and muttered, “I hate those pigs.” I laughed and she looked startled and said quickly, “Oh, well, no, I…

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Warm nights and soft guitars at camp

Sterling sings about his life at Down Home Ranch Where did the week go?  Seems like the campers just got here. After opening camp at 105 degrees, we were surprised by gorgeous rains Tuesday night, well over an inch, and even more important, the temperature dropped about ten degrees, which feels like early spring at…

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Training week…time for Ranch Camp!

Casey & Barry provide orientation for Ranch Camp Hoo boy!  Training week has begun for camp staff.  Everybody’s excited and tired, exhililarated and rattled.  I know the feeling well. Marci, Camp Director Marci, bless her, is our Lead Teacher and Service Coordinator.  She has also taken on the duties of Camp Director for the next…

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Has it come to this?

 First stop Ketchikan  Jerry and I are on a cruise in Alaska.  It seems eons since we left, and truth to tell, I’m ready to be home.  Tomorrow we get off the ship and onto a land tour for a few more days, then the long trek back to the Ranch. One of…

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