
Alaina leads the candle procession Tomorrow is Epiphany, or Three Kings Day to some.  I spent Thursday afternoon making hot chocolate, getting the robes, candles, and other props ready for our celebration. The Ranchers were to meet at 7:00 in front of the Pavilion.  Luckily, it was a mild night for the beginning of winter.…

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It’s official

I’m retired! Jerry rigged up a surprise luncheon for me last Wednesday attended by people going back to the very beginning of the Ranch, people who were there for our dedication ceremony in the fall of 1991, as well as friends from more recent times. And what were we dedicating, that intrepid puddle of people standing in…

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Santa comes of age

Years ago, when we’d just moved to the Ranch and Kelly was nine or so, we became friends with a family with a son with Down syndrome in his last year of high school.  The son, whom I’ll call Scott, was a charmer–handsome, polite, and funny. Scott loved the idea of living on a Ranch and…

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Stabat Mater

I woke up many times last night, thinking of our oldest daughter, keeping death watch in a hospital in Lawrence, Kansas, for her mother-in-law Nellie. This same daughter became a grandmother eight weeks ago, and when people asked me was I really ready to become a great-grandmother I quipped, “Absolutely, yes, but I am a little dubious about being…

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