It always grows back

A few weeks ago I popped into a hair-cutting establishment for a trim.  I go to the same place each time but take luck of the draw as to who wields the scissors, which is a remarkable statement of faith, now that I think about it.  But what the heck, I figure.  It always grows back.…

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Well glory hallelujah!

Why can’t I make a nest? Yesterday I wrote about coming advancements in the possibility of medical intervention to overcome the disabling effects of Down syndrome in the brain.  This was in the context of a promise to a family with a newborn with Downs. Little did I realize… In today’s Wall Street Journal there…

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Another detour on Route 21…

I saw a friend last night who’d been out of town for several weeks to be with her daughter for the birth of her first baby.  Almost before I could ask her how things had gone, she said, “We have to talk.” In that instant I knew that the baby had been born with Down…

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Yesterday’s gospel reading was on the healing of Peter’s mother, who was abed with a fever when Jesus visited, and he healed her on the spot. Fr. Larry thus addressed the subject of healing, surely a perplexing one for most of us, since we all have had the experience of praying–desperately–for a loved one to…

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