Is it possible?

Is it possible some parents would not want a treatment that would significantly boost the cognitive functioning of their child with Down syndrome? Yes, it is.  And no, I’m not one of them, but the whole prospect makes me darned nervous. When Kelly was in her early teens, and we had already spent a decade…

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Mad Scientist Visits Down Home Ranch!

OK, so Dr. Michael Harpold is not really a mad scientist, but when Annette asked what he was like I did respond with, “Think Back to the Future.” Michael is the Chief Scientific Officer of the Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation.  Jerry and I met him in Kansas City at the annual convention of…

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Welcome home

It’s been a few months since our friend Kevin died.  As with any death, there are “affairs” to be put in order–the closing of accounts, paying off of balances, and such like.  Kevin’s sister Colleen came in from Florida and spent the past six months with Kevin in the hospital.  Now she is about to…

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The eggs and us and other stuff besides

Clyde, Travis, Sterling and Travis rejoice over a new little peeper Mr. Pat and the Garden Team, who care for the chickens, saved up a couple dozen fertilized eggs and Mr. Pat brought his incubator in to his office in the Garden Center. “February 14th Due Date” said the sticky on top, and sure enough,…

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