Just hangin’ with the guys

Calvin Keeney, RA of Gabriel House Of the six Resident Assistants, Calvin Keeney, RA of Gabriel House, has been with Down Home Ranch the longest, having begun working as a Weekend RA in October of ’08. I’d always thought that Calvin had heard about the Ranch from his buddies at Mary Hardin Baylor who worked weekends,…

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Frat house to Barnabas House: Not as scary as it sounds

Zach Pace, RA of Barnabas House “Hey Zach,” I said as I passed Barnabas House yesterday evening on my way to Martha House.  “I need to come over in the morning and get a picture of you and your guys.  I want to do a profile on you for the blog.” “Cool,” he said. We…

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Best cruise ever

You know, we built Down Home Ranch with a vision, a dream–that people with intellectual disabilities could achieve, compete, and make their mark in the world.  And Jason, who’s only lived at the Ranch for a few months now, did just that last Friday. How?  By winning the Hairy Chest Contest aboard the Carnival Triumph.…

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From the high…whoops!…seas

Swells today “near gale” they say, but actually it doesn’t feel so bad, except it’s a little disconcerting to put your foot down and find the floor is not where you expected it to beBut no matter, our gang is well and having a BLAST!  Tomorrow all the pics will go up and you can see…

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