Gifts from God and the Government

It’s hot again.  Dog days.  Lots of jeremiads in my daily scripture readings, so I thoughtI’d write one of my own. A lovely family visited on Wednesday.  I greeted them, answered some questions, and then sent them off with Mark for a tour of the Ranch.  Their daughter was politely disinterested until Mark and the…

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Still the greatest generation

Survivors of SLCU #38: Allen Bashore, South Carolina; Roy W. Kruft, Waller, TX; Morris Parkel, Arkansas; and Dud Morris, Elgin, TX Once was a time many Americans would have known what a “standard landing craft” was. WWII Standard Landing Craft It was the time when the daddies and big brothers and uncles went away, leaving…

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Of robots, friends, loneliness and Facebook

“Hi, Honey, I’m home!” We’re lonely.  One guest on the Catholic station Relevant Radio was decrying the fact that for the first time ever, fewer than 50% of the households are headed by married couples.  Depending on the ethnic and socio-economic group in question, from 40-80% of all live births are to single women.  Among those…

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Feeling thankful for the US on the 4th of July

Yes, I know we have a day set aside in November for this, but then I’m thinking mostly about the turkey and pie. Today I’m thinking about the privilege of having been born in this country.  I remember being a kid of about ten and learning about WWII and Japanese and German concentration camps, of…

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