On the road

I spent last evening watching Asperger’s Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Tony Attwood, a British psychologist who has studied and written widely on the subject.  This in preparation for a series of trainings we are undertaking with our staff to learn more about Asperger’s and autism. While I like to joke that…

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Beckoned or drawn?

 The angel bugging Elijah under the broom tree  In his homily this morning Fr. Larry said that the beloved hymn, I Am the Bread of Life, has misled a generation of Catholics, beginning when the word “beckon” replaced “draw” in the line, “Unless the Father draw him,” this in order to protect the tender sensibilities…

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Hands on vs. bureaucratic love

 Fr. Charles Susai  We had a visit a few weeks ago from our friend Alan Graham of Mobile Loaves and Fishes, a ministry to the homeless here in Austin.  Alan brought along Fr. Charles Susai of the Missionaries of the Poor, an international Catholic organization serving the poor, the homeless, the destitute, and…

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Dog Day Jeremiads, con’t.

It’s interesting that my last blog followed the one about Ranch neighbor Dud Morris, WWII vet.  Dud and his war buddies were the human line of defense against Japan and Germany’s intent to take over the world.  We owe them our freedom.  Jay Leno roams around asking young people questions about our nation’s history.  They think the Civil…

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