Wondering Part I

“Ideas lead to idols.  Only wonder leads to knowing.”                                                        St. Gregory of Nyssa Today is the Memorial of the Guardian Angels. In Jamaica we met a whole host of them.  True to our idea of angels, they are clad all in white.  The resemblance stops there, however, as they tend to be small in stature,…

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Changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes

Friday, September 28, 2012 6:45 PM Jamaica Time I am sitting at a table in a makeshift dining room/men’s dorm in what in what usually serves as the chapel for Holy Innocents Maternity Home, run by the Missionaries of the Poor (MOP) in Kingston, Jamaica. I won’t be able to post this blog until my return…

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Learning the culture of autism

Still on vacation in Autismia, trying to learn the ways of the native culture. Already our little excursion has borne fruit. Anita reported that when our “big guy” with ASD became agitated last week she was able to see his behavior for what it was, and knew all to well from experience where it was…

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From Mexico to Autismia…journey continued

OK, so today’s our first autism training class we’ve had for quite a while.  In planning our session over the past week, my mind kept going back to an experience that got me in trouble that I’d had in Mexico as a graduate student in Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Colorado many years…

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