Thank you St. Anthony

Yesterday I shared with a bunch of friends that I’d invoked a prayer to St. Anthony in desperation on a hunt for my eyeglasses, up against the clock ticking toward a not-to-be-missed medical appointment. Obviously they were in the condo, but I’d searched everywhere I’d been, everywhere I hadn’t been, even into closets I hadn’t…

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Last week I wrote of Kelly’s continuing problem with jaw pain.  I said that I was afraid my concern combined with my inability to do much (last week was chemo week; enough said) was causing confusion over her care. I said as much to Casey and Cathy, and whether or not it was is a moot question now.  Jerry,…

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Chemo III was yesterday. I felt great, checked out great by the lab and the doc, and reported to Spa Chemo with my friend Maria and settled in.  Fifteen minutes into the Taxol drip I started to go into shock. The team had things under control in seconds and after all was calm, resumed the…

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Life abundant, even with cancer

Martha took me in this morning. Jerry felt he needed to be there but I forced him to go play golf, wrenching his arm almost out of its socket.  I convinced him by reminding him how I cherish one on one time with my daughters, and if he came Martha would have to leave because Spa Chemo…

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