Changes, by Judy Horton

Seems like I fell off the Blogosphere the past few months. Lots of things got in the way of blogging.  I didn’t want the blog to become all about my experience with cancer, which though possibly interesting, is not the purpose of this blog.  I did post some on Kelly’s struggles with my illness, which…

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Back in the Day

We’re now in our 22nd year of living on Down Home Ranch.  Jerry, Kelly and I moved here into a small two-bedroom mobile home we dubbed “The Mustard Seed” September 9, 1991, having sold our home, and cashed out our retirement.Looking back, I would give those three pioneers about one chance in a thousand to…

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Memento mori

Life’s hardest lesson seems to be that we must always be struggling against our own limitations–emotional, physical, intellectual, financial, spiritual.   I can accept that I must struggle with that, but it’s so unfair that Kelly should have to, so now I find myself crying like a four year old “That’s not fair!”   Two and a…

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Deep water

Sunday the gospel was about Jesus instructing the disciples to put out to the deep water to catch fish.  Simon protested, “We already tried that and it didn’t work,”–the phrase that kills all dreams from catching fish to building ranches–but then recovered and said in essence, “But if you say so, we’ll give it another go.”…

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