Racing the Clock

Me visiting with a young attendee at the NDSC Jerry and I, three staff, and two Down Home Ranch Board members attended the National Down Syndrome Congress Conference (NDSC) in Denver in mid-June.  Jerry and I went up early to attend the Global Down Syndrome Foundation Round Table on current advances in Down syndrome research…

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Happy to be here

Volunteer Cacy Scott from Sunnybrook Christian Church of Stillwater, OK I often correct people when they say Jerry and I “built” Down Home Ranch.  We’re the Founders, but other people built it. And I don’t mean just the homes, the ponds, the greenhouses, the barns, and other structures.  I include the fences, the programs, and…

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Every life has value

I woke up  in a cold sweat yesterday morning from a nightmare. No monsters, just random things that I was somehow responsible for popping up, with no framework in which to approach them, no common cause with others to let me know what I was responsible for. And the triggers for my nightmare?  One is the down-to-the-wire…

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