Scandinavian scandals

The Minister of Health of Denmark has boasted recently that by 2030 the government will have achieved its goal of no babies being born with Down syndrome.  This will be achieved not by research designed to override the effects of an extra 21st chromosome.  That would be a noble goal. No, alas, it will be achieved…

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What is CMS up to?

A few weeks ago Jerry and I, along with Kelly and Sterling, attended a FRED Conference in Los Angeles.  We were all to serve as speakers or panelists. FRED arose out of a group of parents of children with autism.  Knowing that many people with autism thrive in a rural environment, they seek to create…

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The plot thickens

So.  As I sat in my office pondering what “three new rules” might mean and why we had not heard anything about them as stakeholders, there was a tap on my door. It was my friend the surveyor. “Mrs. Horton, I just wanted to make sure you understood the implications of what I told you.”…

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It’s your choice! (Or is it?)

“Hey, Buddy!  I’ll take you to get some ice cream.  We’ll go anywhere you want as long as it’s Baskin-Robbins, and you can have any kind of ice cream you want as long as it’s vanilla! “It’s absolutely your choice!”This is the message of your federal government, as articulated by Mark Olson, head of LTO…

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