Guest Intern

By: Carlee C., LPC-i Counseling Intern from The Christi Center – Spring 2017 I had a Rancher tell me that driving through the gates of Down Home Ranch was like driving into a new world. He said everything outside was left behind, and you could be a part of this peaceful place. I wholeheartedly agree…

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Down Home Ranch, Barn, Down Syndrome, Texas Sunset

Is Overpopulation Killing Us?

Here’s a short piece that was in my email basket this morning I read frequently about the dramatic decline in birth rates in Japan, Russia, across Europe and many other parts of the world. Even in places in the Middle East like Iran and the United Arab Emirates. This doesn’t mean population growth worldwide…

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New Ways of Bustin’ the Blues

The other day Kyle had a little misunderstanding with his girl.  A friend asked him if they’d worked it all out and he said yes but that he’d still felt a little bad afterwards.  “So what did you do?” asked the friend. “Well,” said Kyle, “I went back to my house and I put on…

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Talking Past One Another

Our new website is functioning, but still a work in progress. Meanwhile, I want to note that I’ll be posting frequently on my blog, to include my own occasional ruminations as well as the science or considered opinions of others. I’ll start with a well articulated piece by a guy who is new to me,…

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