see me as a speaker

See Me as a Speaker – Kristen

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Kristen… Name: Kristen Age: 36 Rancher Since: 2008…

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Celebrating the Gift

From Judy Horton: Last night we celebrated Epiphany, the feast commemorating the arrival of the Three Kings at the manger in Bethlehem.  It’s not much noted in society at large but our Ranchers can tell you exactly what it’s about. It marks the end of Christmas and the return to normal life, or as the…

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Jerry and Judy Horton shared the following story. Several years ago a rancher I’ll call Steven received notification that he was eligible to receive “waiver” funds and leave Down Home Ranch.  He’d been on the list to receive these funds for several years. He lived at the Ranch under Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) assistance of…

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Written by Judy Horton: Several years ago The Legends Golf Tournament was held at The Hills golf course in Austin. So off I went to get autographs, armed with a Down Home Ranch baseball cap and sharpie pen. Lots of famous player there and I managed to get Jack Nicklaus, Hale Irwin and Arnold Palmer…

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