Goodbye (for now) to Ranch Camp

Today is the last day of Ranch Camp.

Fifty-six teenage campers are packing to go home, most of them worn out from a full week of swimming, kayaking, helping in the barn and gardens, blistering heat, and what might well be the very best “End-of-Camp Dance” party ever last night.

Even more worn out are Marci (Camp Director), Robert (Camp Manager), Keith (Camp Chef), and the counselors and CITs who made it all possible.  It's always tough to pull together enough good staff to make it through the summer, but we were blessed to do it.

They're all looking forward to some R&R before moving on from Ranch Camp 2011.  But they're also kind of sad now that it's all done. 

But, as Marci said, “I've really missed our Ranchers during camp.”

Not that they weren't around.  The Ranchers helped out at camp, and in addition kept on working their jobs while camp was going on, but there's no getting around the fact that their normal routines were seriously disrupted for the seven weeks that Ranch Camp took over the Ranch.

We'll talk about that as we debrief from camp next week, but for now we're just saying Thank you Marci and Robert, and Counselors, Wranglers, Lifeguards, Ranchers, Cooks, CITs, and all the Down Home Staff staff for a job well done!

You are all treasures and the people who make Down Home Ranch what it is.

It's been amazing.