The Heart of the Ranch

There’s something so uniquely human about falling in love. 

The world feels like a tantalizing whirlwind of excitement and uncertainty; as if the feelings of euphoria could carry your heart, with ease and lightness, to a place of pure bliss. 

It’s something that every human –regardless of ability, race, sex or otherwise– both needs and deserves. 

“When I first met my husband Clyde in 2014 at a special needs dance, I was so shy and nervous. I felt a lot of love and happy inside my heart,” says Ashley.

The two have been attending day program at the Ranch since 2017.

“Our first date was going to dinner and then to the movies. Life changed and got so much better once we met. Then he proposed, and my mom was so happy– my whole family was very excited and happy.” 

“We do so much together at the Ranch. We go on outings together, work in the greenhouse, go to events like the Gala, Monster Bash, Christmas parties and Thanksgiving dinners,” she says.

Down Home Ranch, like many communities with and without people with disabilities, fosters individuality through interpersonal relationships. 

When one feels comfortable and sure of themselves, surrounded by those who encourage self-expression, you can expect an individual to feel dignified to make the choice of pursuing a romantic relationship or not. 

Not only can maintaining interpersonal relationships have positive social context, it also has significant scientific backing. 

Research has found that high marital quality is associated with lower stress and less depression.

A study by Joiner TE, & Coyne JC. published to the National Library of Medicine shows that a significant aspect of the development of depression is the context of interpersonal relationships and interactional style. Moreover, one would expect that poor quality of close relationships would increase the likelihood of feeling depressed. 

I am happy for DHR, it’s the happiest place on Earth. It’s good to come here and find friends, family, people you love” Ashley says.

As for Clyde, he also believes in the power of true love. 

“You can find love in another person, that's cool. Love is a really great feeling. Love is patient and kind” He says. 

“At the Ranch, we enjoy going camping and cooking different dinners. I do the cooking, and he does the burning!” she says, jokingly.  

“I am just very, very happy I met him. We also go on outings together and on the weekends, we run errands and go to church together.” 

At the Ranch, you'll most likely find the couple working in Enterprise– happily sewing or doing art together side by side. 

While the Cupples' story is similar to millions of others, they show just how important it is to empower individuals to have a strong sense of self, foster interpersonal relationships, and live their own happily ever after story- just like Ashley and Clyde.