see me as a dancer

See Me as a Dancer – Kelly

Aimed at sharing the true identities and talents of the Ranchers at DHR, the SEE ME campaign showcases the unique stories of those we serve and gives readers an inside look into their life at Down Home Ranch. Follow along as we tell you the story of Kelly…  

Name: Kelly
Age: 48
Rancher Since: October, 2018
Favorite Hobby: Creating Art
“You should see me, I got the movesss,” is the sentiment Kelly has when it comes to her dancing. Kelly has seen herself as a dancer since she was a little girl. She remembers watching her sisters dance to rock-n-roll in the living room and thinking to herself, “I want to do that!” After Kelly graduated high school, she began taking dance lessons at the prestigious @pastudiowest near Los Angeles, CA where they offer comprehensive classes in acting, dance and music. Kelly took classes of various dance genres throughout the years and worked hard at perfecting her contemporary dance moves. To Kelly, being a dancer means sustaining more energy, maintaining her weight and having a way to uplift her spirits when she is feeling down. Her favorite part about dancing is advancing her skills and proving to herself that she can do better. In the future, Kelly wants to learn how to ballroom dance with her favorite dancing partner (and sweetheart!), Tom.