Kelly tours around the Village Loop |
Well, we're in our sixth month of Weight Watchers.
Each week we have cheers and moans at weigh-in, but we've learned that if you make a decent effort overall, you lose weight over time. At Jim's memorial on Tuesday a weekend staffer we haven't seen in a few months was here and asked me, “What's going on? Everybody looks so skinny!”
Well, skinny might be a stretch, but at least is shows we're trying.
And imagine my amazement to discover at our WW meeting today that I'd lost over a pound despite a 7-day cruise and Thanksgiving coming between me and my last WW meeting!
Earlier today I'd had a late lunch and came out of Benedict House just as the exercisers were getting underway. Each day after lunch the Ranchers head outside for some physical exercise.
About half the Ranchers were doing laps around the Village loop. Six laps around is two miles. I first encountered Kelly pedaling along singing at the top of her lungs while listening to her MP3 player. She was dressed in every article of purple clothing she owns.
Kyle and his Aggie-decor bike |
As we chatted for a few minutes Kyle came tearing around the corner on his bike like the proverbial bat out of hell. I slowed him down enough to compliment him on the handsome TAMU flag he was sporting.
Natalie moseys along while engaged in a book |
Natalie has mastered the trick of reading as she walks. There's a girl after my own heart!
Crystal and Alan on their walk |
Alan and Crystal enjoyed each other's company on their walk.
Mike |
Mike stopped by to say hello.
Jim after making a great catch |
Jim, Mark, Andrew, Calvin, and Lori opted to toss the football around for a while.
All in all, a beautiful sight to see.