What a week! Sunday: board meeting from 1:00-6:00 PM. Monday:getting in the hay and the blessing of the animals on St. Francis' Day.
Then Tuesday was the great semi-annual Staff-Rancher bowling tournament. What a hoot! The trash talk had gotten pretty bad over the previous week, and we were each determined to do our best for our team.
Some of our staff seem to have been pretty good bowlers in their day. Alas, those days are over.
The Ranchers, on the other hand, began bowling in grade school and haven't stopped since. Which is to say, they whupped us and they whupped us good.
After bowling, we went off to the park for pizza and play in the cool autumn evening. Sterling, with high schore of the day of 145, was elected to receive the trophy on behalf of the Ranchers.
Check out pictures from our day below.
Julia rejects Jerry's offer of a crying towel
John models the martial arts release
Sterling and away we go!
Andrew in a pensive moment
Brian ready to roll |